
Downtown San Francisco. Muni workers have been threatening to go on strike; apparently the buses are experiencing some frustration as well.



It occurred to me today that if the Thundercats were a band instead of a cartoon, Panthro would be the bassist, but that was wrong, he would be the drummer. Tygra would be the bassist. Honestly I don’t remember much



If you somehow found yourself here and are now reading this, you should check Harry’s blog. Harry’s my good friend. On his blog he writes short stories and recounts tales of high adventure. It makes for good reading.


Scenes from a year ending

I’ve lived in the city for over two years, but inexplicably I don’t really have any photographs of the place. Today I took my camera with me and captured some images as I went about my business. I don’t usually


Freshness Not Guaranteed

This is my self-important little corner. Welcome! I’ve got big ideas for this place but odds are it’s already fallen into disuse as you’re reading this. Make yourself comforatable—knock out a few windows, start a tire fire. There probably isn’t
